Alternating current impedance bond DT-1MG1-450 P
+7 (499) 266-69-96
1–33, plot 1, Letchika Babushkina str., Moscow, Russia, 129344

Alternating current impedance bond DT-1MG1-450 P

Scope and field of application

DT-1MG1-450 P impedance bonds are installed on railway sections, particularly those in an aggressive environment, with an increased traction current, that are equipped with an automatic block system with a track circuit marking current frequency of 25 or 75 Hz, and alternating current traction frequency of 50 Hz, as well as in audio frequency track circuits.
The devices are manufactured in a polymer casing, designed to conduct a nominal AC value of 450 A through each section of primary winding. The center terminal is designed for a current of 900 A. The inside of these impedance bonds is filled with a dielectric, elastic, heat-conducting compound.


The plastic casing protects device windings from dust and moisture. The casing doesn’t require painting and is resistant to adverse environment and rust.
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Main technical features

Voltage in primary winding on terminals (A1-A2) at a voltage of 30 V AC and a frequency of 50 Hz, applied to the auxiliary winding on terminals (B1-B2)   10 V = +0.5 V, -1.0 V 
Total resistance to alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz at a voltage of 0.5 V on the primary winding and in the absence of direct current magnetization > 1Ω 
Maximum test voltage  2,500 V 
Insulation resistance of electric circuits under standart climatic conditions  100 MΩ - between the primary and auxiliary windings, between the ancillary winding and the casing;
20 MΩ - between the primary winding and the casing 
Climatic category of the product UKhl1  as per GOST 15150 
Operating temperature range  +55 ... -600
Device protection class   IP46 
Dimensions  650 x 550 x 450 mm 
Weight  < 130 kg 
Device service life  > 30 years 
Warranty period  5 years